Michael Fairchild
Michael Fairchild has been a Huntington professional photographer since 1970, after his graduation from Wesleyan University. Kodak, the Saturday Evening Post, Nikon, Time-Life Books, Audubon, Fortune, Travel and Leisure, Vanity Fair, the Sierra Club and National Geographic Books have published his photographs. He has led 18 safaris to East Africa and South Africa as well as running photography workshops in the Peruvian Amazon and the Galapagos Archipelago. When at home in Huntington, Fairchild photographs weddings and does portraiture as well as public relations and short video productions. For the past 30 years, he has worked with school children teaching them video storytelling, Photoshop, and model making. He has recently produced documentaries about Israel and the Ancient Kingdoms of Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos for his school and library lecture series. His work can be seen at Michaelfairchild.com and his video productions on his YouTube channel: Photochild1

Joshua Kwassman
Branding + Marketing
Joshua Kwassman, principal strategist and founder of SQUAREAST, has been partnering with brands and organizations for over a decade. His passion is working with mission-driven brands like OmniLearn to help facilitate growth and improve visibility. His approach incorporates

Stefan Leipold
IT Security
Stefan is the founder and CEO of STARK, a technology company that designed, patented, developed the world’s first “Designed for Microsoft Surface” certified magnetic privacy screen for Apple and Microsoft devices. He founded STARK in 2017 and contributed around twenty years of specialist knowledge in information technology/Cyber-Security, as well as essential industry experience to the company.
Meet our talented team of scientists, educators, and passionate people dedicated to bringing eye-opening programs to the classroom

Jane Powel
Founder and CEO of OmniLearn
Jane founded OmniLearn in 1996 with a dream to change every classroom in New York, through the nucleus of science. Her wealth of teaching experience and innate ability to activate students' curiosities has garnered attention from teachers, principals, and the New York State Department of Education for bringing an innovative and engaging approach to classrooms across the city.
Trained as a K-12 special education teacher with degrees in Elementary Education and Special Education, Jane immediately focused on alternative techniques in teaching, particularly for gifted students.

Bringing the Lab Bench to Students
Jane's passion for science took her to the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, where she served as Education Manager of the DNA Learning Center under James D. Watson, Nobel Laureate, during the early days of the Human Genome Project.
This unique opportunity afforded her access to molecular biologists (Carol Greider) working on telomerase (aging) using worms, and learning and memory using flies (Tim Tully). She incorporated their techniques, equipment, and results into curricula for camps and schools on Long Island, NYC, and California.

Jane is a member of:
The Science Team

Annie Kloimwieder, Ph. D
Dr. Annie Kloimwieder is a scientist, a STEM educator, and a life-long nerd. In fourth grade Annie decided that her life goal was to find cures for cancer in the rainforest. However, she quickly realized that rainforests have too many bugs for her, and so shifted her focus to working on finding cures in labs instead. While earning her B.S. in Biology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Annie founded and led a program to introduce middle school students to scientific experimentation. Throughout her undergraduate studies, she also conducted research into the molecular and genetic mechanisms of meiosis to better understand potential causes of miscarriages. Annie then went on to earn her Ph.D in Genetics from Harvard University, focusing her research on sporulation in yeast and nutrient needs in cells. During her time at Harvard, Annie developed a science "boot camp" to introduce undergraduate students to genetics laboratory techniques. After completing her degrees, Annie has spent over a decade educating a wide range of students both in and out of the classroom. She develops inquiry-based and equity-focused science curricula and is dedicated to helping students make meaningful connections to science.
Molecular Biology + Genetics Specialist
Annie Kloimwieder, Ph. D
Dr. Annie Kloimwieder is a scientist, a STEM educator, and a life-long nerd. In fourth grade Annie decided that her life goal was to find cures for cancer in the rainforest. However, she quickly realized that rainforests have too many bugs for her, and so shifted her focus to working on finding cures in labs instead. While earning her B.S. in Biology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Annie founded and led a program to introduce middle school students to scientific experimentation. Throughout her undergraduate studies, she also conducted research into the molecular and genetic mechanisms of meiosis to better understand potential causes of miscarriages. Annie then went on to earn her Ph.D in Genetics from Harvard University, focusing her research on sporulation in yeast and nutrient needs in cells. During her time at Harvard, Annie developed a science "boot camp" to introduce undergraduate students to genetics laboratory techniques. After completing her degrees, Annie has spent over a decade educating a wide range of students both in and out of the classroom. She develops inquiry-based and equity-focused science curricula and is dedicated to helping students make meaningful connections to science.

Dion Carrington
Logistics Manager
Dion Carrington was born and raised in the West Indies (Trinidad and Tobago). He attended the University of the West Indies where he obtained a BA. History; International Relations (Minor). He has 5+ years of Inventory Control/ Management experience in the Caribbean and NYC, where he has been an integral part of many dynamic and successful teams in the Aviation and Logistics industry. He takes pride in being a part time paraprofessional as he is passionate about assisting children that need the extra care and attention.

Mayline Garrido
Community School Director
Mayline (May-LeeN) is a LatinX, Dominican descent, Bronx, New York Native. Raising three daughters, she has been a champion for equity in science education for almost a decade. As an Alumni of Mercy University formerly known as Mercy College, she received her Bachelors in Biology Education, Master of Science in Adolescent Education and Master of Science in Educational Supervision and Served NYC title I, public schools as a middle school educator in District 11, in the Bronx. As a teacher leader, she served as a Peer Collaborator, Model Teacher, Equity Committee member, and teacher mentor. Using restorative practices in the model lab classroom and establishing different programs within the school for STEM and Social Emotional Learning, she is committed to partnering with Community Schools to enhance science education. Her vision and mission include fostering the minds of children by interrupting systemic inequities through alternate means of STEM education. As Albert Einstein once said, “Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind to think,” Mayline believes that education should provide the Engagement of the natural scientist in every child. Every child should have the opportunity and space to develop the skills to be problem solvers, creative thinkers and future advocates for the community.

Roy Shantanu
Director of Business Development
Roy has recently taken on the Director of Business Development position with OmniLearn. This position allows him the opportunity to guide and supervise four 21st CCLC Community Schools and two Community School Directors. Roy was a Community School Director at MS 224 & MS 343 for four years before taking on this new role. He has 8 years of experience in managing multiple grants (21st CCLC, EMPIRE, ESD/SVP, & SYEP), directing daytime and after-school programs, designing human rights curricula, and administering youth exchange initiatives in NYC public schools and non-profit sectors. Roy is multilingual and speaks four languages: Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, and Spanish. Roy graduated from City College of New York and obtained a BA in International Studies. He lived and worked in Colombia, where he had the privilege of undertaking and managing various humanitarian projects. Some of these projects focused on reducing child labor, promoting environmental awareness in underserved communities, building community strengths, and teaching & empowering underprivileged youths. Roy loves to travel and has visited over 14 countries. He enjoys reading books in the field of international affairs and plays cricket professionally.
Our Instructors

Arion Carrington
Human Health & Biology Specialist
Dion Carrington was born and raised in the West Indies (Trinidad and Tobago). He attended the University of the West Indies where he obtained a BA. History; International Relations (Minor). He has 5+ years of Inventory Control/ Management experience in the Caribbean and NYC, where he has been an integral part of many dynamic and successful teams in the Aviation and Logistics industry. He takes pride in being a part time paraprofessional as he is passionate about assisting children that need the extra care and attention.

Timothy Lewis
Molecular Biology Specialist
Roy has recently taken on the Director of Business Development position with OmniLearn. This position allows him the opportunity to guide and supervise four 21st CCLC Community Schools and two Community School Directors. Roy was a Community School Director at MS 224 & MS 343 for four years before taking on this new role. He has 8 years of experience in managing multiple grants (21st CCLC, EMPIRE, ESD/SVP, & SYEP), directing daytime and after-school programs, designing human rights curricula, and administering youth exchange initiatives in NYC public schools and non-profit sectors. Roy is multilingual and speaks four languages: Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, and Spanish. Roy graduated from City College of New York and obtained a BA in International Studies. He lived and worked in Colombia, where he had the privilege of undertaking and managing various humanitarian projects. Some of these projects focused on reducing child labor, promoting environmental awareness in underserved communities, building community strengths, and teaching & empowering underprivileged youths. Roy loves to travel and has visited over 14 countries. He enjoys reading books in the field of international affairs and plays cricket professionally.

Connor Sweeney
Sports Specialist
Ana has been a dedicated member of the OmniLearn company for over four years. Ana’s journey began as a science camp counselor, soon transitioning to becoming a Lab Assistant. She is currently working at the East Woods School with the ALPs science program. Ana assists students as they navigate intricate labs, accomplish their task at hand, and grow their knowledge of science. Ana engages students with fun and safe activities during their breaks. Ana lives in Oyster Bay. She loves sports, particularly golf, and enjoys spending time with her daughter and family.

Ashleigh Hillen
Entomology Specialist
Ashleigh Hillen (She/They) is an Entomologist and Visual Artist originally from North Carolina. Ashleigh has a Bachelor's in Science from the University of North Carolina at Asheville in Environmental Management and Policy, and a Master of Life Science in Entomology from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Ashleigh is a published scientific author and experienced outdoor educator with an emphasis on southern Appalachian forest ecosystems. As an artist, Ashleigh believes that creativity has a role in scientific research and learning and encourages students to bring their originality to the classroom.

Arline Lee
Earth Science Specialist
Arline is an enthusiast for enthusiasm, constantly seeking compelling questions at the intersection between science, nature, and public understanding. As a lifelong learner, she values opportunities to encounter the unknown, and is committed to fostering learning environments where others can do the same. Arline earned her B.A. in Interdisciplinary Studies, with a focus on Economic and Political Theory as applied through Science Fiction, at NYU’s Gallatin School. While working on that course of study she rediscovered her love of science and started volunteering at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). Working with school groups and families, she learned both pedagogy and the foundations of scientific inquiry—asking as many questions as she could to the scientists on staff and discovering, often literally, a whole world of scientific research. She later became the Coordinator for Adventures in Science Curriculum and Teaching. In this position she delighted in bringing a range of science curricula to children and families through surprising, challenging, and unique experiences. At the AMNH, she also worked on coordinating a high school internship program, teaching middle school workshops, engaging with the public in exhibition performances, facilitating internal professional development curricula, and collaborating and prototyping future exhibition interactives. While at AMNH, she earned her Masters Degree in the History and Communication of Science from NYU. Her research focused on how science fiction film creates, deconstructs, and reflects myths of science—specifically how popular media influences the public understanding of science, feelings of ownership and opportunity around scientific inquiry, and its moral role in our society.

Arion Carrington
Human Health and Biology Specialist
Arion Carrington obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in the field of Biology with honors, and was inducted into the Beta Beta Beta (TriBeta) National Biological Honor Society, chapter Upsilon Zeta in 2021. As a young Biologist her goal is to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment in the classroom, opposed to the conventional manner science is usually taught.

Timothy Lewis
Molecular Biology Specialist
Timothy is an educator at heart with over 20 years of dynamic experience honoring unique individuality, while nurturing innate curiosity. An avid researcher of epigenetics, human psychology, and the new human biology, he allows a love for learning and growth to fuel his zest for life. Timothy has been honored as a two-time New York State Master Teacher and has master’s level training in science education from Lehman College and cancer biology from The University of Chicago. Timothy is a 200-h RYT and mindfulness/meditation coach with additional training in the foundations of Yin and trauma-sensitive yoga.

Connor Sweeney
Connor Sweeney is proud to be a part of OmniLearn after having experienced it first-hand at East Woods in Oyster Bay, Long Island. The educational impact he experienced through Jane Powel's unique classroom experience had a direct impact on his entrepreneurial path, and he is excited to help spark this in students like himself.

Kate McDaniel
VP – Program Design
Kate is a California transplant and developed a love of learning and nature early from exploring the shores and mountains of San Diego. She earned her B.S. in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution from the University of California, San Diego in 2008. She went on to develop molecular science techniques as a technician in the Yelon lab at UCSD studying the genetics of cardiac development in zebrafish. While pursuing her Masters Degree in Ecology at San Diego State University, she was able to hone her teaching and outreach skills as a Teachers Associate and a leading member of the Marine Ecology and Biology Student Association (MEBSA). After finishing her degree in 2016, she made the move to New York City. In her current role at OmniLearn as VP of Program Design Kate creates original content tailored for individual teachers to use in their classrooms in order to meet the school’s specific needs taking into account their population and demographics. She thoroughly believes that everyone is a scientist at heart and is deeply committed to ensuring Science-focused education is accessible to every student.
Ecology Specialist
Kate McDaniel
VP – Program Design
Kate is a California transplant and developed a love of learning and nature early from exploring the shores and mountains of San Diego. She earned her B.S. in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution from the University of California, San Diego in 2008. She went on to develop molecular science techniques as a technician in the Yelon lab at UCSD studying the genetics of cardiac development in zebrafish. While pursuing her Masters Degree in Ecology at San Diego State University, she was able to hone her teaching and outreach skills as a Teachers Associate and a leading member of the Marine Ecology and Biology Student Association (MEBSA). After finishing her degree in 2016, she made the move to New York City. In her current role at OmniLearn as VP of Program Design Kate creates original content tailored for individual teachers to use in their classrooms in order to meet the school’s specific needs taking into account their population and demographics. She thoroughly believes that everyone is a scientist at heart and is deeply committed to ensuring Science-focused education is accessible to every student.

Dion Carrington
Director of Business Development
Dion Carrington was born and raised in the West Indies (Trinidad and Tobago). He attended the University of the West Indies where he obtained a BA. History; International Relations (Minor). He has 5+ years of Inventory Control/ Management experience in the Caribbean and NYC, where he has been an integral part of many dynamic and successful teams in the Aviation and Logistics industry. He takes pride in being a part time paraprofessional as he is passionate about assisting children that need the extra care and attention.

Roy Shantanu
Director of Business Development
Roy has recently taken on the Director of Business Development position with OmniLearn. This position allows him the opportunity to guide and supervise four 21st CCLC Community Schools and two Community School Directors. Roy was a Community School Director at MS 224 & MS 343 for four years before taking on this new role. He has 8 years of experience in managing multiple grants (21st CCLC, EMPIRE, ESD/SVP, & SYEP), directing daytime and after-school programs, designing human rights curricula, and administering youth exchange initiatives in NYC public schools and non-profit sectors. Roy is multilingual and speaks four languages: Bengali, Hindi, Urdu, and Spanish. Roy graduated from City College of New York and obtained a BA in International Studies. He lived and worked in Colombia, where he had the privilege of undertaking and managing various humanitarian projects. Some of these projects focused on reducing child labor, promoting environmental awareness in underserved communities, building community strengths, and teaching & empowering underprivileged youths. Roy loves to travel and has visited over 14 countries. He enjoys reading books in the field of international affairs and plays cricket professionally.

Ana Moran
Lab Assistant
Ana has been a dedicated member of the OmniLearn company for over four years. Ana’s journey began as a science camp counselor, soon transitioning to becoming a Lab Assistant. She is currently working at the East Woods School with the ALPs science program. Ana assists students as they navigate intricate labs, accomplish their task at hand, and grow their knowledge of science. Ana engages students with fun and safe activities during their breaks. Ana lives in Oyster Bay. She loves sports, particularly golf, and enjoys spending time with her daughter and family.

Joshua Kwassman
Branding + Marketing
Joshua Kwassman, principal strategist and founder of SQUAREAST, has been partnering with brands and organizations from across the country for over a decade. His passion is working with mission-driven brands like OmniLearn to craft unique and standout visual identities that stand the test of time.

Stefan Leipold
IT Security
Stefan is the founder and CEO of STARK, a technology company that designed, patented, developed the world’s first “Designed for Microsoft Surface” certified magnetic privacy screen for Apple and Microsoft devices. He founded STARK in 2017 and contributed around twenty years of specialist knowledge in information technology/Cyber-Security, as well as essential industry experience to the company.

Michael Fairchild
Michael Fairchild has been a Huntington professional photographer since 1970, after his graduation from Wesleyan University. Kodak, the Saturday Evening Post, Nikon, Time-Life Books, Audubon, Fortune, Travel and Leisure, Vanity Fair, the Sierra Club and National Geographic Books have published his photographs. He has led 18 safaris to East Africa and South Africa as well as running photography workshops in the Peruvian Amazon and the Galapagos Archipelago. When at home in Huntington, Fairchild photographs weddings and does portraiture as well as public relations and short video productions. For the past 30 years, he has worked with school children teaching them video storytelling, Photoshop, and model making. He has recently produced documentaries about Israel and the Ancient Kingdoms of Myanmar, Cambodia and Laos for his school and library lecture series. His work can be seen at Michaelfairchild.com and his video productions on his YouTube channel: Photochild1

Ashanti Waldron
Program Assistant, PS 200 and MS/HS 499
Ashanti is the Program Assistant at PS 200 and 499. She received a B.A in forensic psychology at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in 2018 and is currently in school pursuing a master's degree in social work at Touro University. She enjoys working with adolescents and families and is heavily interested in mental health. In her previous role as a crisis counselor, many of the clients she serviced exhibited exemplary strengths but did not have the resources or support at home or in the community. She is excited to see the benefits OmniLean will bring to students who are enrolled by providing enriching activities to stimulate their interest and strengthen their skills.

Curtis Wright
Logistics Assistant
With a Caribbean background, Curtis brings a rich multicultural perspective which he considers an asset in today’s global marketspace. He studied at Lehman College where he majored in International Commerce with a minor in Marketing, reflecting a deep commitment to education as a proud member of the Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society. Curtis gained valuable hands-on experience interning at VMLY&R firm where he contributed to high-profile national campaigns for notable brands like Mother’s Cookies and Colgate. This experience honed his skills in marketing and campaign management. Following this, Curtis transitioned to a role as a Purchase Coordinator for a restaurant chain. In this capacity, he was responsible for maintaining inventory levels and implementing innovative checks and balances systems across five plus locations, which significantly enhanced operational efficiency and a seamless supply chain management. Curtis is enthusiastic about playing a key role in an organization dedicated to shaping the next generation’s future.

Rebekah Wilson
Community School Director, PS 200 and MS/HS 499

Miranda Taveras
Community School Director,
MS 343 + PS/IS 224
Miranda is the Community School Director at MS 224 and MS 343 in the South Bronx. She began her educational journey as an intern while earning her Bachelor's in Psychology from The City College of New York. After graduation, she advanced to a Program Assistant role, supporting schools in District 7 and District 5. Although her initial dream was to become a Mental Health Counselor right after college, her experience in education has ignited new passions. Miranda is dedicated to fostering strong community relationships, serving as a role model for students, and promoting mental health awareness. At Omnilearn, she has gained valuable insights into various community school programs, helping to enrich the lives of future generations.
Staff + Logistics Team

Amelia Ahnert
VP – Curriculum Development
Amelia focuses on the details from the molecular makeup of chemicals to creating engaging hands-on lab experiences for NYC classrooms. Her passion for teaching science was solidified when she took her first lab-based science course in high school, chemistry! She earned a degree in General Science with a focus in Chemistry from The Pennsylvania State University in 2013. While there, she completed undergraduate research, took secondary education courses, and worked as a curriculum mentor for Science-U. She went on to intern with The Nurture Nature Center contributing to coastal flooding research on the public’s interpretation of weather data. Before joining the OmniLearn team, Amelia served as an AmeriCorps VISTA directly supporting youth mentoring organizations and organizing city-wide community service events in Trenton, NJ. Now as the VP of Curriculum Development, Amelia Ahnert develops and customizes science curriculum aligned with the goals of each school she collaborates with. She hopes to spark curiosity and foster critical-thinking that aids students in navigating the world around them.
Chemistry Specialist
Amelia Ahnert
VP – Curriculum Design
Amelia focuses on the details from the molecular makeup of chemicals to creating engaging hands-on lab experiences for NYC classrooms. Her passion for teaching science was solidified when she took her first lab-based science course in high school, chemistry! She earned a degree in General Science with a focus in Chemistry from The Pennsylvania State University in 2013. While there, she completed undergraduate research, took secondary education courses, and worked as a curriculum mentor for Science-U. She went on to intern with The Nurture Nature Center contributing to coastal flooding research on the public’s interpretation of weather data. Before joining the OmniLearn team, Amelia served as an AmeriCorps VISTA directly supporting youth mentoring organizations and organizing city-wide community service events in Trenton, NJ. Now as the VP of Curriculum Development, Amelia Ahnert develops and customizes science curriculum aligned with the goals of each school she collaborates with. She hopes to spark curiosity and foster critical-thinking that aids students in navigating the world around them.

Shereen Hamdy, Ph. D
Shereen earned her B.S. in Engineering Physics from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York in 2015, and in 2021 she earned her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara. As a graduate student, Shereen worked at the intersection of electrical engineering, physics, and materials science to build semiconductor lasers by hand for energy-efficient lighting and high-speed communication. Outside of the laboratory, as Education and Outreach Chair of the Photonics Society at UCSB, she organized and taught at educational events for the Santa Barbara community highlighting the science and engineering of light. At OmniLearn, Shereen is excited to bring novel ways of learning physics and engineering to students and schools across New York City.
Electrical Engineering + Computer Science Specialist
Shereen Hamdy, Ph.D
Shereen earned her B.S. in Engineering Physics from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York in 2015, and in 2021 she earned her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of California, Santa Barbara. As a graduate student, Shereen worked at the intersection of electrical engineering, physics, and materials science to build semiconductor lasers by hand for energy-efficient lighting and high-speed communication. Outside of the laboratory, as Education and Outreach Chair of the Photonics Society at UCSB, she organized and taught at educational events for the Santa Barbara community highlighting the science and engineering of light. At OmniLearn, Shereen is excited to bring novel ways of learning physics and engineering to students and schools across New York City.

Ana Moran
Lab Assistant
Ana has been a dedicated member of the OmniLearn company for over four years. Ana’s journey began as a science camp counselor, soon transitioning to becoming a Lab Assistant. She is currently working at the East Woods School with the ALPs science program. Ana assists students as they navigate intricate labs, accomplish their task at hand, and grow their knowledge of science. Ana engages students with fun and safe activities during their breaks. Ana lives in Oyster Bay. She loves sports, particularly golf, and enjoys spending time with her daughter and family.

Joshua Kwassman
Branding + Marketing
Joshua Kwassman, principal strategist and founder of SQUAREAST, has been partnering with brands and organizations from across the country for over a decade. His passion is working with mission-driven brands like OmniLearn to craft unique and standout visual identities that stand the test of time.

Stefan Leipold
IT Security
Stefan is the founder and CEO of STARK, a technology company that designed, patented, developed the world’s first “Designed for Microsoft Surface” certified magnetic privacy screen for Apple and Microsoft devices. He founded STARK in 2017 and contributed around twenty years of specialist knowledge in information technology/Cyber-Security, as well as essential industry experience to the company.

The labs make the information immediate and engaging. Students have an entry point to the material after experiencing the labs. The labs and OmniLearn also support science teachers in the materials acquisition for labs which is great.